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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Oneday Seminar by Shakthi Kannan

The Part two of the One day seminar Session was given by Mr.Shakthi Kannan [Hexaware Technologies - Chennai] ILUGC-Chennai.The session was started earlier than the previous meeting.In the first session he talked about the GNU Philosophies and carrier guidance that
could be pursued by a GNU/Linux users.And then he explained about the basic GNU/Linux desktop tools.In the Afternoon Session a brief demonstration on how to install a Debian flavour
of GNU/Linux was done.Later the code.avi was screened.


Friday, August 12, 2005

One day Seminar by Bharathi

In first session Bharathi talked about the philosophies and the tools
in Linux such as editors,browsers,etc.In second session he talked
about the QT programming.QT is pretty cool.It is based on C++ an object oriented programming.In this meeting,I gave a vote of thanks.
It was the first time for me in stage.It was a wonderful experience.
Now i am ready for next meeting on 20th by shakthi kannan.
