Man(I) Pages

Friday, September 23, 2005

Aha! Algorithms

It was an interesting seminar given by Mr.Pandurangan.He explained about the algorithms from
the scratch.And he told about Knuth and other algorithm specialists.In that seminar he taught
some new technical words like 'apriori', 'pruning' and etc.Today he explained clearly about pruning.

Hybernation of my system

For the past ten days, my system's monitor display was not coming.Now it was in service center.
My monitor display was not coming, so i switched on and off the system whenever i got time.At
that time only once it displayed an error in CMOS checking and that error was "CMOS checksum
failed, defaults loaded".I think it will recover soon.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

4th Synapse

As Sriram is the Student's Secretary of ISTE, We senthil, Musi, Praveen and me attended the Synapse. I surprised to see the good decoration in Synapse.Then i worked for time
and event management committee.I and senthil went to take xerox for Visual Teasers so we
missed to hear the sriram's speech.Then we adjusted the time for events like quiz, visual teasers,
Mr.Synapse and etc.They arranged simple and good lunch for delegates.In the Afternoon session
final for all events were conducted.At this time i was confused to allocate the time for events.
Mr.Synapse event was very cool and funny.Tats the synapse ended successfully and this was the
great reward for sriram's hardwork.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Fstival 05

I started to prepare for my stall in that morning only. So I came late to college and when i reached
the college, I saw them with the Fstival banner. I joined with them.At that time a belly fellow
arrived to TCE and that fellow was Balamurugan. I didnt arrange system for my stall LAMP, yaa
i need oil to ignite that lamp. So i sat infront of one system and started to install apache, MySql
and PHP4.This time I met many problems.First the Apache2 is not started, MySql is not
connected and etc. I struggled to come out of these problems so i didnt attend the morning session.
Atlast I fixed the problems, and the afternoon session started immediately.Sriram and me explained about some basic LAMP configurations and a simple page based on PHP-MySql connection.And that night balamurugan gave a small treat in Annan Kadai.After finishing that
treat we were parked inn side the park inn by Joe's grace.We spent two hours inside that park.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Java Seminar

In the Last week of August I took my First seminar in my class.I knew only about the comparator
and i couldnt understand the example given in my book.After Nirmal and Ramji i faced my friends
first time.I had no words to explain my views and ideas.I explained briefly about comparator
and wrote one example in that book.At that time someone asked one doubt in that program.I had
no clue about it.But it was very nice experience standing before audience.I startled to see my second internal marks. Because at the time of examination i was very much interested in developing the GNUQuiz.In three subjects i scored >=40, 38 in two and 25 in DAA.